
경복대학교 입학

KBU 해외취업지원 프로그램

2018-1 KBU 하계 해외취업지원연수 후기 (1진)

박완수 2019.06.10 조회수 488

저작권 등 다른 사람의 권리를 침해하거나 명예를 훼손하는 게시글은 이용약관 및 관련법률에 의해 제재를 받으실 수 있습니다.

         language training review


is the first time to travel abroad, language study for 14 days was a little difficult. All experiences such as language, food, weather, etc. are interesting but also strange to me. I'm going to write a story that I experienced in 14 days.


When I took a TOEIC test just for my experience, I thought, ' I can't go this time and I had a good experience. ' However, After I passed the exam I was so happy but more afraid. (‘I am the only one can not understand English’ when I go abroad for the first time. ‘I didn't get back 200,000 won because of my poor grades.’ )

Because of these concerns, I regretted it before I left home, but as soon as I got on the airplane, I could not think of anything else because of the expectation that I would go to Singapore.

On the first day, we arrived at the mdis, after listened to the explanation school& dormitory and I went to room. The room was clean and the night view of Singapore from the room was fantastic.


second day, I finally had a class, and since it was my first time, I chose an English name and a team name and listened to some explanations on what to do. The homework is writing diaries in English, making a game and grammar presentation, survey... I was surprised by too many assignments than ,But I felt less pressure because I had to prepare for the presentation for a week.

It was my first class in Singapore, but I felt be fruitful and fun because I could understand it differently from what I was worried about.

After class at 4, we went on a bus tour. I went to Chinatown, Marina Bay Sands, and Merlion Park, listening to explanations and watching them.

After finished the city tour, I watched a tree show and a laser show with my friends. It was interesting and pretty because they were Big-scale performances.

I can't remember the exact date but I want to talk about the assignment. As mentioned above, I have done various tasks and I would like to introduce only two of them. The first is about the survey. This was a survey that had to be done from the subject to the results, it was easy to decide the topic, but it was too difficult to create questions. The question was so ambiguous that it took three days to fix and make.

As it is a task that explains directly to those who can not speak Korean, I think it made a great contribution in eliminating fear of English as much as it is difficult.

The second class was reading an article and telling me what I thought about it. we

divide the paragraphs in each article, interpret the parts we are assigned, explain it to others, understand the contents of newspapers, and speak our opinions at the end.

With this class, I have learned how to improve my ability to complete sentences and explain things easily to others. As I was able to understand English more easily with various classes, now was easier to understand hatn English I had learned, and I wanted to recommend it to others.


On the last day, I took a mingling test(mix around go around and talking to people) and I practiced speaking with my professor a lot, so I think it was really interesting.

What I thought after everything was over. It's a shame that but I seem to go without regret because I learned various things and made many values and memories.

I suggest you come to language training at least once. The reason why I recommend

The most memorable things were the food I ate and the places I walked around there.

There are activities and foods that can only be enjoyed in that country, so I wish I had as much experience as possible.

